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Day 1

The first thing people ask..... 
What will you eat!?

The first thing I thought...
What will I eat!?

Today I can honestly say I have enjoyed my food.

A lot simpler but also quicker, here is the run down:

Breakfast: Peanut butter and cold porridge 
Snack: Scrambled egg sandwich 
Lunch: Beef and shiitake congee and half an apple
Dinner: Mixed vegetable fried rice
Desert: Frozen banana and peanut butter for desert

And tea.  Cannot forget the tea.. the Chinese in me loves a congee, but the Brit in me cannot live without the tea. I am however limited with just one box of teabags and one litre of milk. I never thought I'd see the day where I had to count my teabags and measure how much milk went into my tea. 30ml incase you are wondering. 2 TBS. A dash. JUST enough. 

That's all for today - more tomorrow on my refugee journey!!


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