Weekends are always over too quickly. One good thing about having next to no money? Time goes very slowly... your weekend feels longer!!
Up at 6:15am I thought about how to fill my day. After some life admin, the rain had stopped and the cabin fever was already building by 9am, I went for a run and my parents came over shortly after. Budget bread for me, mum's home made bread for everyone else.
Much of the morning was spent reading and sharing the SCMP article that was published about what I have been doing this week (link here). As expected, there are a few comments from some sad readers who obviously have no better purpose in life than to pick apart the good people are trying to do and criticise. It makes my blood boil that people can be so ignorant and cold hearted, but in comparison to the positivity I have received, it's nothing.
My biggest issue is that these pessimistic readers have completely missed the point of what I am doing. They have read the article, recognised that it focuses on a controversial group of people, and have gone for it. They indicate that I am suggesting that refugees have it worse than anyone else. Yes they are some of the biggest sufferers in Hong Kong, living in dire circumstances with added restrictions, and this is one of the reasons I want to help, but I am fully aware that there is a large population of locals in Hong Kong who also live below the poverty line. I understand that Hong Kong has massive housing issues. I get that there are others struggling.
I am raising money for a group of people, who happen to be refugees that I have felt inspired by, that need a cure and relief from past traumas in their lives. For them, that cure and relief is via the opportunities that Free to Run gives them.
We can't help everyone, but surely helping some is better than helping none, isn't it?
After a relatively busy morning, I opted out of the journey over to Kings Park via star ferry and decided to go and support the girls playing in Happy Valley. Beautiful evening, money or no money, I was happy to be there. Caught up with friends and then parted ways - them towards HKFC for post match drinks and an evening of pub golf- me towards the supermarket to make the wild decision of how best to spend my last $10 for the week.
Decisions decisions.
The decision today was definitely quantity over quality.
Chips Ahoy, its been years. Half a packet for tonight, half for tomorrow.
Happy days.
6 days down, $13,256 up.
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