7 Days and $14,519 (for now) later... What a week it has been. As I write this, I sit eating my last "refugee" meal of mixed vegetable fried rice. Today just proved that you can never budget down to a tee - things happen - and it brought it back to earth of how hard these things might be if you don't have the money to get there - or to help. Today a friend was in need after an accident. As many have done before for me after an accident, I wanted to pamper her and look after her as best I could but didn't have the means to do so. Today the most I could do was be there - and that was enough for her, but it did make me think about how much we often rely on money to go that extra mile to make someone that bit happier. One more tram ride. Luckily I had a few extra $ on my Octopus and avoided the walk to and from Central. I love walking, but I hate people traffic. And I will always love the tram. I received an article from my m...
Living off $40/day for one week to raise money for refugees in Hong Kong